Luyu Cheng


Here you can find a list of important activities of my academic and professional career.


I went to Taiwan to attend FLOLAC

I went to Taipei to attend FLOLAC (Formosan Summer School on Logic, Language, and Computation). This was my second time visiting Taiwan (the last time was nine years ago). I learned how to write proofs using Haskell, intuitionistic logic, modal logic, and how to do proofs with logical relations.

I went to Kumamoto, Japan to attend FLOPS

Despite having no publications, I still attended FLOPS 2024. My favorite were presentation of Verse and Cong's talk about continuation.


I have become a PhD candidate

I passed the PhD qualifying exam and became a PhD candidate. Thank you to my supervisor and the professors on the PQE committee. 🙏

I gave a talk about Ultimate Conditional Syntax at Huawei's Compiler Workshop

I attended the two-day Huawei Spark compiler workshop held in Hong Kong and gave a presentation on Ultimate Conditional Syntax. The response was good. Thank you to everyone who participated.


I went to Eugene, USA to attend OPLSS

My friends Yaozhu Sun and Shengyi Jiang and I attended OPLSS, a summer school that teaches the principles of programming languages to students and professionals. We participated in a two-week (very intensive) lectures and made many good friends.


I started my PhD program at HKUST

I started my PhD program at HKUST in programming languages supervised by Lionel Parreaux. My research interests focus on functional programming and programming language design.


I started working as a full-time research assistant at IDEAS Lab

After completing my undergraduate studies, I continued to work at the Interactive Data Exploration System (IDEAS) Lab as a research assistant. My main research focus was on streamline field neighborhood approximation algorithms, and later I began an experimental project on a domain-specific language for interactions.


I moved to Qingdao to continue my undergraduate studies

The Qingdao campus of Shandong University had been put into use, and our college (unfortunately) had been chosen to move there. Thus, I've ended my wonderful two years in downtown Jinan, and continued my undergraduate studies in the suburbs of Jimo, Qingdao.


I started my undergraduate

I started my undergraduate life at Shandong University. I studied computer science in Taishan College.


I started teaching myself compiler principles

I accidentally became interested in writing parsers. I bought a book called Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools and studied up to the chapter on code generation. This was also the beginning of my interest in programming languages.


I participated in the National Olympiad in Informatics competition for the first time

I started participating in competitions since my last year of junior high school. No teacher taught me, I struggled to study a Chinese version of Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ and learned how to implement basic data structures and algorithms using C++.


I was born

I was born in a small city in Shandong Province of China. I studied and lived there for 18 years until I started my undergraduate studies.