Luyu Cheng

A Brief History of My Blog


This post is aim to record all changes of my blog, which is inspired by Ji Luo's meta blog post. I am not affiliated with any organizations, companies, or brands mentioned in this post though most of they were hyperlinked.


On Feb 19, I picked up the project I wanted to do last year. At the backend side, I chose Fastify and Sequelize. As for the frontend, I customized a webpack project that outputs pug templates can be used by the backend.

On Apr 11, I abandoned the idea to develop a blog system from scratch because there are abundant design choices and I don't have much time to evaluate them this year and next year according to my schedule. Then, I started to build with the help of Gatsby.

On Apr 15, New site was launched.

On June 27th, after months of heavy work on research, I began to revisit my blog and see what could I improve. I added RSS feed generation and a gallery page where I could place my photography.


On May 12, I rebuilt the website with Hugo. Soon I found that Hugo is not so extensible in terms of frontend experience.

On Sep 26, I decided to make my own blog system, which would support Chinese emphasis marks, references between site posts, bibliography and reference management, and inline and block math equation. But I didn't take any actions because I was busy on my paper project at that time.


On Aug 8, I thought shorter domain is easier to be memorized, so I bought the domain again on namesilo.


On Jun 30, I bought the domain on GoDaddy. I chose this domain because GoDaddy offered me a huge discount while the renewal fee of is a little bit expensive.


On Sep 9, inspired by 無次元 the podcast, I bought the domain on GoDaddy.


In this year, I attempted to build my blog by using Jekyll and Ghost. I hosted it on Heroku, AppFog (it'd been closed down now) and OpenShift successively. However, since I didn't have a credit card to pay at that time, my blog had no stable public addresses and data had been lost.

Meanwhile, I wrote some post (most of them are diaries) on Svbtle. Although the site is amazing, the connection was occasionaly poor in my location, so I didn't keep on it for a long time.


On Jun 12, I made Hyde (not the famous one), which is a simple static blog system built on Express and Jade (now known as pug). However, since I'm not competent to implement features I wanted at that time, I didn't use it for a long time.